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6. Ongoing Researches

 - THz Graphene Devices

 - THz Near-Field Nanomapping of Graphene: Theory and Experiments

 - THz Spectroscopy of DNAs and Hydration Dynamics

 - THz Biomolecular Device



Our New US Patent on THz Microscope (H. HAN, Y. DO, and K. MOON)

Prof. Haewook Han

New Associated Editor of IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology


​타과생을 위한 전자과 석사과정 신설 (자대생, 타대생)

2019년 가을학기 NBTP 대학원 신입생 모집

790-784 SAN 31, HYOJA-DONG, NAM-GU, POHANG, GYUNGBUK. KOREA  NBTP Lab TEL : 054-279-5076/5078

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