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5. Nanophotonic CMOS Image Sensor (CIS)

CMOS image sensors (CISs) are one of the most important imaging devices these days. CISs enable bright, clear, and smooth-motion for a broad range of applications, from smartphones and digital cameras, and smart TVs. We have long been collaborating with SK-Hynix to develop advanced CISs, providing new CIS designs and analysis tools.

In our lab, we have been doing rigorous full 3D electromagnetic simulations based a finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for SK-Hynix’s CISs, running on a large PC clusters for parallel computation, which is essential for photonic devices with complex structures such as CISs.

Large PC Clusters for Parallel Computation



Our New US Patent on THz Microscope (H. HAN, Y. DO, and K. MOON)

Prof. Haewook Han

New Associated Editor of IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology


​타과생을 위한 전자과 석사과정 신설 (자대생, 타대생)

2019년 가을학기 NBTP 대학원 신입생 모집

790-784 SAN 31, HYOJA-DONG, NAM-GU, POHANG, GYUNGBUK. KOREA  NBTP Lab TEL : 054-279-5076/5078

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